One of the biggest challenges I talk with professionals is a struggle to offer, provide and sustain value to their clients.  This can be difficult for the simple fact that "value is in the  eye of the beholder".  

What one may see as a value another may think of as standard or unnecessary.  When it comes to our business we need to be able to provide a value to the majority of our target market and if necessary offer customization for others.

The best advise I can give is not to downgrade what you offer to fit into a client's want or budget because (1) they most likely are not your target market (2) your name is on the product so it must be up to the standards at all times (3) there most likely is not a complete understanding of why and how you do your job

Other useful tips:
  • Provide Rules of Engagement
  • Clearly define the Value you bring and why 
  • Put together a strong presentation with facts and examples
  • Always ask how you can help
Even the greatest athletes have coaches, so why doesn't everyone else have a coach?

If you have ever taken me up on my Free Evaluation, you know the first question I will ask you is if you are honestly looking to grow your business.  The second question is on what challenges you are facing today and how this is effecting your business.  These two questions lay the ground work for you to decide what is important to you and what kind of a plan must be laid to grow you and your business.

Now, I may not have as many years of experience as many of my clients but I bring that new point of view, new ideas and most importantly I am here to remind them of all the things they know but have forgotten.  I am going to ensure they have a solid plan with no wholes for poor implementation.  If nothing else I ensure accountability.

"It's ironic that in writing you have an editor who pushes and prods, even when you reach high levels. But I was really struck by the fact that I've been a surgeon now for eight years, and no one's ever come in and watched me operate, much less tried to help me think hard about how I get better results."  Surgeon, Atul Gawande (The New Yorker)

Coaching is far more than teaching.  A coach provides non-biased honest feedback.  A coach strips one down to their raw self and allows new heights of growth with a sense of clarity.

It is not always easy to take feedback from co-workers, friends and family either because of our stubbornness, pride or fear of personal bias.  A coach not only will provide honest feedback but assist you as an individual to properly evaluate yourself and your business.

Many coaches work off of the Six Disciplines Methodology.  This  includes Deciding What is Important (Strategy), Setting Goals that Lead (Plan), Align Systems (Organize), Work the Plan (Execute), Innovate Purposefully (Innovate) and Step Back (Learn).  This methodology is a cycle that is ongoing.

The Six Disciplines Methodology may seem to be focused on a company platform which was the initial intent, but for those who are self employed  you are the company and need to run your business as such to be as successful as you should be.

Can you honestly agree with each of the statements below:
  • I have ONE master, complete database of all clients and potential clients
  • I have a complete database of all referral partners
  • I stay in contact with ALL my clients/potential clients and referral partners monthly
  • I mine my database for new business and referrals
  • I can instantly pull up all my notes and information on each contact
  • I personally manage my database

So how did you do?  Can you agree with all or most of the above statements? If not why?

No matter what your business your database is the foundation.  Every person you come in contact with is a potential client and if not them someone they know is.  It is critical to have all your contacts in one easy to access place so you are not searching through file cabinets, email systems, your cell phone, etc. trying to find out what you "know" about them.

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I was asked today why the first thing I always ask new clients is "Do you have a business plan?".  

I will admit that a business plan and especially a marketing plan is something I harp on, but with out one people are running their businesses by the seat of their pants with no written thoughts to hold them selves accountable.

You do not have to have a formal 15 page business plan; it does not even have to be typed out.  JUST write it down!  By nature if we each have something to strive for (a goal) that we can keep top of mind we will try our hardest to accomplish it because we do not want to let ourselves down.

Just take a few minutes to outline where you are today, where you want to be by the end of the year and 5 things you need to do to get there.  Than, take that piece of paper and make 3 copies.  File the original for your records, post one at the office, one at home and put one in you briefcase so you always have it with you.

If you keep you sketched plan and goals in sight you will not loose track of what you are supposed to be doing.  Also, your plan can change.  If you need to adjust the plan throughout the year for the better or worse just do it and remember to replace the copies at home, work and in your briefcase (always keep the originals for your reference).